Pleasant Oak Baptist Church

  • Pastor
    Joseph Weaver   •     Email   •     (707)758-4185
Worship Service
10:00 am

Our Sunday morning worship service is structured to glorify God and edify the body. Hebrews 10:24-25 makes it clear that the assembling of believers is vital to the endurance of our faith. When we gather we are simultaneously worshiping God and edifying one another. Indeed, God has ordained the means of edifying others is through worship. At POBC, our humble aim is to glorify God in the highest, allowing the music, preaching, prayer and every other aspect to serve this ultimate goal of worshipping our Lord together. 

Our Sunday potluck lunch is on the first Sunday of every month!

Note: We offer radio streaming for parked listeners on 92.7fm, as well as Facebook Live streaming if you prefer to join us online.